Brooke McNally

Are there particular aspects of the Food System that you are most involved in or most interested in? (Choose 1-3)

___ Eater
___ Food Producer (Farmer)
___ Food Processing
_ Retail and Food Service
_ Food Distribution
_ Health and Wellness
_ Education
_ Youth
___ Sustainability and Environment
_ Food Justice work
___ Emergency food
___ Other? _______________________

What are the food-related issues that you are most interested in or concerned about?

School lunch/breakfast food healthy eating/cooking for children/poor.

What life experience, or skills, or knowledge could you bring to the Council?

Advocate- practicing good communication skills, concern & compassion for others, enthusiasm, positive outlook, education as a academic curriculum designer, parent, cooking, teaching children to cook, work with Family Math program- taught food and math program, substitute teacher, natural leader initiative graduate, community minded, traveled/lived in other countries/cultures, writing skills, interest in nutrition trouble shooting creative problem solving.

Are there any other comments you would like to share?

I am looking forward to working collectively for food justice and building community resource with like- minded people____.