Rafael Aponte

Are there particular aspects of the Food System that you are most involved in or most interested in? (Choose 1-3)

___ Eater
___ Food Producer (Farmer)
___ Food Processing
___ Retail & Food Service
___ Food Distribution
___ Health & Wellness
___ Education
___ Youth
___ Sustainability & Environment
___ Food Justice work
___ Emergency food
___ Waste Management
___ Other? _______________________

What are the food-related issues that you are most interested in or concerned about?

Barriers limiting people’s whole participation in our food system (e.g. Lack of capital, systemic oppression, racism, sexism, classism,etc…). Policies that prohibit small scale food production (Backyard livestock regulations, on-farm processing laws, access to local markets, red tape)

What life experience, or skills, or knowledge could you bring to the Council?

Livestock and small scale vegetable production, over a decade of community organizing in both urban and rural environments, knowledge of the start-up of beginning farm, and non-profit management and administration.